The Box Project Recipient Application and Approval Process helps determine if an individual or family meets the standards and qualifications required of all official Box Project recipients. Some of the basic requirements include living in the MS Delta, living in rural poverty, and having a genuine desire to utilize the resources provided to create opportunities for a better future.
Read the full procedure with necessary information below if you are interested in becoming a recipient.
The Box Project is limited to serving families living in rural poverty in the Mississippi Delta region, including the following counties:
Bolivar Issaquena Sharkey Washington
Coahoma LeFlore Sunflower
Humphreys Quitman Tunica
Potential Box Project recipients go through an approval process with one of our recipient referral agencies, where they will complete the verification process and the recipient application.
You can view the application and membership agreement here.
Items often requested for verification by referral agencies are:
Proof of Residency
Verification of Legal Custody of Children Living in the Home
Verification of Income, SSI, or other assistance
After the referral agency receives the completed application, verifies the recipient information, and believes the recipient/recipient family meets the requirements for consideration, the application will be reviewed by The Box Project Director for final approval and matching.
** Please note that the approval and matching process can take some time (perhaps weeks to months) depending on sponsor availability. Many families have waited as much as a year before selection.
Contact us directly or your referral agency if you have any questions or concerns about the approval and/or matching process.
Once the recipient application has been approved, the individual or family will be notified promptly before being temporarily placed on The Box Project Family Match Program Waitlist to be shared with new sponsor families.
If/when a sponsor selects a recipient family, the director will notify that recipient’s referral agency who will then contact the recipient to tell them that they have been matched with what The Box Project calls a “sister family.”
If the recipient is approved for the Family Match Program, it is important to note three VERY important things:
First: It is the responsibility of the recipient to follow up with their referral agency frequently in order to maintain relationships, communicate needs, and ensure key information is kept up-to-date and accurate in order to reduce any complications with the matching process.
Second: Communications between the recipient and sponsor will occur organically. The method, amount, and logistics of communication will be entirely up to what the recipient and sponsor agree on. This way, a natural relationship forms over time without the awkwardness of a mediator. As always, The Box Project Team is available to support recipients and sponsors in any way throughout the process.
Third: It is extremely important to note, that applications expire after one (1) year and at that time the recipient will need to reapply (the Box Project does not notify applicants when the application expires).

Referral Agency Information
To move forward with the recipient application process, please reach out to the referral agency below that serves your county. We anticipate adding more agencies soon.