Hidden Rules Among Classes

Hidden Rules Among Classes
Many of the attitudes that those in poverty bring with them are an integral part of their culture and belief systems. Middle-class solutions should not necessarily be imposed when other, more workable, solutions might be found. An understanding of the culture and values of poverty will lessen the anger and frustration that may others may have when dealing with those in poverty. The following “hidden rules” are the unspoken cues and habits of a group that may be helpful to you. To learn more, read “A Framework for Understanding Poverty,” by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D.

The Box Project’s mission is to encourage and enrich the lives of families and individuals living in rural poverty by establishing meaningful relationships, promoting education, and offering material aid. Without YOUR direct participation in our program, achieving this goal would be nearly impossible. With your help, more and more families living in rural poverty can have the opportunity to improve their lives. Each family touched by the Box Project is one step closer to breaking the cycle of generational poverty in the Mississippi Delta.

